Dark Factory by Kathe Koja

Let’s start by saying, Kathe Koja’s Dark Factory is a fun read! The ultimate dance club where the next step in AR/VR technology, called “Y,” allows clubgoers to customize the experience. Put that tiara on and go wild.

I loved the characters in this book, and there were a lot of them, but I felt like I got to know them all pretty well, so not too many. Ari Regon and Max Caspar are two of the main characters, and they were both cool in their own ways, and both trying to realize their own version of reality. Opposites in so many ways but when they finally get together in the book, the magic starts happening (literally).

This book was fast-paced and felt just perfect for conveying that frantic, euphoric ride that clubbing can provide. Koja’s has mastered stream-of-consciousness style prose in a way that I can’t think of anyone else doing. There is a pace and rhythm, that along with the story, just pulls you along.

But don’t think that because it is about the club scene that it isn’t deep. The insights into the mind of a creative-genius trying to bring an idea to life are so interesting and feel so on point. Between the philosophical thinking and the cool technology, is a real “new age” meets “space age.” And all set to the driving beats of techno!

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes fast-paced speculative fiction, m/m romance (a great one), intellectual stimulation, and has ever been into the club scene!

DARK FACTORY by Kathe Koja

RELEASE DATE: May 10, 2022

GENRE: Speculative Fiction / SciFi / LGBT / Literary

BOOK WEBSITE:  https://darkfactory.club/


Welcome to Dark Factory! You may experience strobe effects, Y reality, DJ beats, love, sex, betrayal, triple shot espresso, broken bones, broken dreams, ecstasy, self-knowledge, and the void.

Dark Factory is a dance club: three floors of DJs, drinks, and customizable reality, everything you see and hear and feel. Ari Regon is the club’s wild card floor manager, Max Caspar is a stubborn DIY artist, both chasing a vision of true reality. And rogue journalist Marfa Carpenter is there to write it all down. Then a rooftop rave sets in motion a fathomless energy that may drive Ari and Max to the edge of the ultimate experience.

Dark Factory is Kathe Koja’s wholly original new novel from Meerkat Press, that combines her award-winning writing and her skill directing immersive events, to create a story that unfolds on the page, online, and in the reader’s creative mind.

Join us at DarkFactory.club. The story has already begun.

BUY LINKS:  Meerkat Press | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Kathe Koja writes novels and short fiction, and creates and produces immersive fiction performances, both solo and with a rotating ensemble of artists. Her work crosses and combines genres, and her books have won awards, been multiply translated, and optioned for film and performance. She is based in Detroit and thinks globally. She can be found at kathekoja.com.

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